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Thank You.....

​I don't know how many ways so say thank you to Tia Gray ♡ and Shanta Gray ♡ for giving us additional funds towards our venue. They made sure we are set!  #hugs You will get that back this weekend. Tia also did a lot of picking up funds too, doing her thing #teamplayer. Thanks you so much.

Thanks to Robin Gray and Adrienne Gray as well for handling the menu. #thankfulgrub be sure to check the menu out too everyone, It's posted on this thread. See what's needed and if you can assist with anything. 

Thanks to Ladi Blessings for stepping up with decorations and taking my annoying texts about decorations and ideas, we got this! Can't wait to see your ideas. 

Thanks to Cheri Luva B. Ridley and Qwantina Ridley for volunteering to entertain us and create not only a dinner experience but a bonding experience. Yall always smiling anyways so it works out. ;) ♡

And thanks to Robert Pettus for volunteering to deal with us chics and doing set up #sorryinadvance lol. #justkidding 

Since no one volunteered to do music I'll step up. Spotify and Pandora all day! #electricslide #bop #naenae :)

Family, please be sure to get your funds in...we cannot wait to last minute to secure funds if you confirmed to join us. We have to get additional items such as paper plates, napkins, chaffers, decorations, etc.thanks to everyone who have already paid. It helped secure the venue well in advance.

If you would like to pay cash contact Lisa at 240-437-8239 or Tia at 202-468-3209. 


5-12 YEARS ($5)

13-17 YEARS ($10)

18 AND OVER ($15)

Have a super great day all!

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