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Kissy and Cheri Moved into a New Place! (after fire at their old apartment)

Recently Kissy (Mary) and her daughter Cheri's apartment was involved in a fire and they were displaced. The fire started in another unit and spread. Although it was a pain to go thru, they were all okay, no injuries however they did lose a lot things and had a lot stolen such as TV's, radios, game systems and little Mia's piggy banks :(

However with prayers and patience, they are in a new apartment, settling in and getting back on track. God was on everyone's side as this was a early day fire and not in the evening when most of the residents of this building were home.... (Thank God for That)

I am unsure if they are in need of anything for their new apartment but I will reach out to them once they get unpacked and see if they have any needs that we could assist them with.

We love you guys! Glad everything worked out in the end for you!

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