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Update of Uncle Snookie!

Hello Family.

We have another member of our family in the hospital. On Sunday September 6, 2015, Uncle Snookie was rushed to Ft. Washington Hospital and underwent emergency surgery. He is stable and in the ICU unit. Please keep him in your prayers. We love you Uncle Snook and Get well soon. We can't wait to hear that you are back to hand dancing and enjoying life.

! Updates from his oldest daughter Melanie below and more to come!

Melanie Pate Lyles-Webb- September 7, 2015

To all this is a delicate time for all of us. Snooky is hanging in there, but as you can expect it's a process of recovery, and extremely important for him to recover without risk of infection as stated to me by his doctor. I am asking for family to continue to pray and limit visitors. I myself only stayed a few minutes to speak with the doctor. He is on lots of antibiotics and certainly needs his rest. I will continue to update everyone as I am informed...thank you and love you all.

From Melanie Pate Lyles-Webb- September 6, 2015 at 8:40pm

My dad (snooky) is in recovery and is resting. He had pretty extensive surgery and repair of his colon and is doing well. Thank God! Visiting hours are from 11 to 8 p.m. not sure if it's good to have a lot of people visiting him at this moment because he just had the Surgery. I appreciate all the love and support and prayers thank you.

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