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Lyles Family Tree

Ancestors of Bernice Williams, Gladys Ridley, Beatrice Beander, Dorothy Small and James Lyles.

You are about to discover a little about the Lyles family tree. I know some of you think it started with the Ridley’s, Gray’s, Washington’s, etc. Yes, these names are significant in our history; however Lyles and Hawkins gives us a true start of the Lyles Family's Heritage. Enjoy reading this!

Let’s start with my Great Grandfather Alfred F. Lyles family:

My Great Grand Father name was Alfred F. Lyles. He was born on November 11, 1888 in Maryland. His parents were Frank Lyles and Mary Lyles. He had two daughters Dora Lyles and Ella Lyles along with one son named James Lyles. He was married to Georgiana Dade (Lyles). He worked on a farm in Clinton Maryland. His occupation was a farm laborer at a truck farm (A truck farm is a farm that produces vegetables for the market). He lived on a farm (rented) between Allentown Road and Fort Washington Road in Surratt, Maryland (PG County). He was drafted in World War 1 in 1917. He died November 4, 1959. He was 71 years old.

My Great Grandmother Georgiana Dade (Lyles):

My Great grandmother name was Georgiana Dade, wife of Alfred Lyles and born in May of 1884 in Mechanicsville, Saint Mary County Maryland. Her parents were Lewis Dade and Mary M. Dade. Our great grandmother had 10 siblings, however in the 1900 census count, it only showed 8 siblings was living. She had three sisters Doshia E. Dade (cook), Mary Dade (farm laborer), Susana Dade and four brothers named James E. Dade (farm laborer), John E. Dade (farm laborer), Robert L. Dade and Lloyd L. Dade. She had two siblings that died Ella Dade and _________?

My Grandfather James Lyles and Grandmother Annie Lyles (Hawkins)

My Grandmother Annie Lyles changed her name from Georgiana to Annie. Do you blame her? It was a very popular name in those days :)

My grandfather James Lyles, the son of Alfred and Mary Lyles was born in 1911. The 1940 census record showed that he was a laborer at a construction site. He married Georgiana (Anne or Annie Hawkins). Her parents were Joseph Hawkins and Georgiana Hawkins. She had three sisters named Mamie Hawkins, Ellinora Hawkins, Alberta Hawkins and three brothers Joseph Hawkins Jr., Alphonso Hawkins and James Leo Hawkins. They had 5 children Bernice Lyles, Gladys Lyles, Beatrice Lyles, Dorothy Lyles and James Lyles.

This is where it gets a little tricky. Some of you may remember Aunt Dora, who was married to Uncle Calvin. She was our grandfathers sister. Before she was married to Uncle Calvin, she was married to Leo Hawkins. Leo Hawkins was our grandmothers (Annie Hawkins (Lyles) brother. Dora Lyles’s brother (Granddad) James Lyles married Leo Hawkins sister Annie Hawkins (Lyles). So you can see brothers and sisters married brothers and sisters.

Here is another twist… Louis Ridley Sr. sister Thelma Ridley married our grandmothers Annie Lyles (Hawkins) brother Joseph Hawkins. They were married before Aunt Gladys married Louis Ridley Sr. (Uncle Jr, Granddad). So the Ridley was married into our family first with Thelma Hawkins.

More to come…….

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