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Update on Paul Ridley

Hello Family,

Paul Ridley is recovering well after his surgery last week on Wednesday, September 2nd at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md where he under went surgery for a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). Abdominal aortic aneurysm is sometimes known as AAA, or triple A. The suregery was called a AAA Dissection. An aneurysm is a weak section of an artery wall. Pressure from inside the artery causes the weakened area to bulge out beyond the normal width of the blood vessel. An abdominal aortic aneurysm is an aneurysm in the lower part of the aorta, the large artery that runs through the torso. Read more about AAA...(click here)

Let us continue to keep him in our prayers and supporting him through his recovery.

On Thursday 9/3/15 at roughly 2pm.

From Alisha "Lisa" on our Family FB Group Page:

He (Paul Ridley) is still out of surgery and in recovery. Today will be his rough day so the nurses are asking for little to no visits as he will be on a breathing tube and unable to speak. Lets continue to keep him in our prayers.

On Thursday 9/3/15 at 9:22am

From Tira Ridley: Update on my father Paul Ridley….GOD IS GOOD!

He is doing well, had a great night. They started waking him up last night, and he has been acknowledging the nurses. As for the breathing tube that may go this evening or tomorrow. Right now his lungs are still a little wet as of this morning’s x-ray. This is normal and not that bad. All of his blood test and numbers are where they should be and as for his chronic pain from his back issue they are maintaining his comfort and can tell when he needs more, so he is not in pain. I had the nurse place the phone to his ear this morning and I spoke to him. She said he smiled smile. I will see him later today. At 11:30am (They were removing one tube from his neck and changing another to a smaller tube to avoid infection)

On Wednesday 9/4/15 at 9:46am

From Tira Ridley: Good morning! Update on Paul Ridley

He is doing well and his breathing tube has been removed. His throat is a little sore and voice is raspy. We continue to ask for prayers as always. If we could, please limit any calls or visitations until probably Saturday afternoon so to allow him time to rest and regroup. Feel free to message me or text me your messages for him and I'll relay them. Thanks family.

Saturday September 9/5/15

From Tira Ridley: Update on my Dad

My dad will be heading to the floor today. Where he can get some much needed rest. I will update him on all your love and prayers. I will post contact info thereafter...

Sunday September 9/6/15


"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future" Quote by Alex Haley

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